Friday, 21 June 2024

Hens Night Game: Weiner in the Hole

This is a fun (and a little rude) hens night game which will have all your guests in tears from laughter.

How to Play:

Each guest has a piece of string tied around their waist with a cocktail frankfurt attached to the end (we reccommend piercing a hole into the frankfurt and threading the string through to ensure it is extra secure - a loose weiner is not good!). 

The string must be long so that the frankfurt is dangling. If it is tied too close to the body, this game becomes too easy! 

Your guests line up and below them on the ground small shot glasses are placed. One glass for each person. 

The aim of the game:

The aim is for everyone to squat or kneel over and get their frankfurt into the shot glass. 

The first person to hold it there and yell "weiner in the hole" is the winner.

There should be prizes, but we'll leave those ideas up to you!

Have fun!!

Wednesday, 29 May 2024

Wedding Rituals and Traditions - The Dove Release

In this post we've chosen to bring you a look at the Dove Release which can be a beautiful and symbolic addition to any wedding ceremony.

White Doves have been used around the world for centuries to symbolise purity, peace, faith & love. Doves are considered a symbolic release at Weddings because they stay faithful to each other for life and form strong family bonds and share the care of their young. They're also beautiful and a dove release can create a fabulous and significant event to share with your guests.

Please note: It's important to ensure that you get your doves from a reputable and ethical dove handler who is experienced and careful with the birds. 

"White doves mate for life and much like a married couple, sometimes the doves take flight and follow their own path for short periods of time, not tied to each other every moment of every passing day. But when the darkness sets in, whether their day’s journey has been together or apart, they both return to the safe place they know is home for the night, to each other.

The releasing of these white doves is a blessing to you both on this day. It is a reminder that while your lives, your paths and your other commitments may often lead you in opposite directions, you always have a place to come home to, to find each other and be one."

Release the doves
"As these doves fly they will carry for you and all of your loved ones here present, wishes for peace, love and hope for your future life together."

Wednesday, 13 March 2024

Planning Your Wedding Ceremony - Ceremony Script

If you're the kind of couple who haven't attended many weddings, it can be difficult to come up with ideas when it comes to thinking about your own wedding ceremony. It's easy to get caught up in planning the party, the food and the cake, but many forget that it is at the ceremony they actually become husband and wife. It is the words they say to each other and the declarations made in front of their guests that will be looked back upon as the years pass.

Usually your celebrant or officiant will provide you with plenty of options to consider for your ceremony, but a ceremony that has been personalised with some of the things that are truly special to the couple and reflect who they are always leave those in attendance with a sense of connection and sincerity.

Today we thought we would bring you an actual ceremony that was put together by a couple who wanted to incorporate some Pagan elements to their day. We hope you enjoy it and we look forward to bringing you some more ceremony options.

The Wedding Ceremony of Kate and Luke

On behalf of Kate and Luke I would like to welcome you here today to celebrate with them as they pledge their commitment to one another. I would like to take this opportunity to thank you all for being here and showing them your support.

The couple have asked me to remind you that they are having an unplugged ceremony today, so if you could put down your phones and cameras and just enjoy this moment as much as they intend to that would be appreciated. They have also asked that you allow them the opportunity to be the first to share the news of their big day on social media.

Giving of the Bride
With this in mind, I now ask, who brings this woman to be married to this man?
Person replies
I Do

As we gather here today Kate and Luke are both mindful of special people who for different reasons cannot be here today sharing this celebration with them, but they both know the love and support of these wonderful people surrounds them here today.

The bringing together of two loving souls is a moment in time to celebrate. A moment that will forever be reflected upon by the couple and their families. So, it was with great thought and consideration that Kate and Luke have assembled together the people they love the most to share this occasion with them.

The giving of yourself in your entirety and unconditionally to another is a decision that becomes natural when you find the person you want to spend your life with. It is a love that renews and strengthens with every new day and replenishes from life’s disappointments. It shines brightest in the darkest days, softens life’s pains and celebrates in its triumphs and successes.

All of us are on our way to a certain destination. Finding the right companion, as these two have - someone who makes you laugh and makes you cry…someone whose story matches together with yours, lightens the load and makes that journey so much more special.
They stand before us here today with the hope and expectation that the commitment they are about to share with us all will be the continuation of that journey started on that fateful day they first met.

The couple have chosen a reading in their ceremony today. So I would like to invite _________________ to read that for you.

This poem is called Love is the Reason by Brian Rouch.
Love is the reason why this day
Was chosen by you both
To begin your lives together -
And love is the reason why you both
Will give with all your hearts
For the good of each other.
Love is the reason
That together you will become one — One in hope,
One in believing in life and
One in sharing the coming years.

Legal Words:
If you any legal words are required by your local state authority.

The Asking:
Luke and Kate, will you please affirm to each other as I now ask you.

Luke, do you take Kate to be your lawfully wedded wife? Will you love and respect her, be honest with her, and work together as a team with her, so long as you both shall live?


I do

Kate, do you take Luke to be your lawfully wedded husband? Will you love and respect him, be honest with him, and work together as a team with him, so long as you both shall live?


I do

As you exchange your vows please join hands and read repeat after me.

We will begin with Luke.

I ask all present to witness that I, Luke, take you, Kate, to be my lawfully wedded wife.
(Please now share the words that you have prepared). OR I promise to be there in good times and in bad, to laugh with you and cry with you, and be the partner you need me to be, no matter what comes our way for the rest of our lives.

And now it’s Kate’s turn.

I ask all present to witness that I, Kate, take you, ate Luke, to be my lawfully wedded husband. (Please now share the words that you have prepared). OR I promise to be there in good times and in bad, to laugh with you and cry with you, and be the partner you need me to be, no matter what comes our way for the rest of our lives.

With the vows now declared, can we please have the rings?

Luke, take Kate’s left hand in yours and repeat after me.

Kate - take this ring as a sign of my love and as a symbol of our commitment to each other as husband and wife.

Kate, take Luke’s left hand in yours and repeat after me.

Luke - take this ring as a sign of my love and as a symbol of our commitment to each other as husband and wife.

Luke and Kate, you have declared before all of us that you will live together in marriage. To be true and real, this ceremony should be something more than just a public recognition of your marriage. Regard it also as a symbol of your love and a promise to uphold the vows you have made to one another today.

Luke, you may now kiss your wife!

We will now be taking a few minutes to sign the legal paperwork.

The bridal party and family will now be having formal photos. They look forward to continuing the celebrations with you. (No congrats, group shot).

It now gives me great pleasure to introduce to you for the first time as a married couple……Mr and Mrs Johnson.

Sunday, 28 January 2024

Wedding Photos - What Does Your Photographer Need to Know From You?

Planning a wedding is one of those experiences that will be forever remembered. You'll recall the moment you found the perfect dress, the day you and your significant other agreed on the venue, and the second you chose your wedding photographer for those picture perfect moments. The latter is one of the most important of these moments, because those pictures are going to be what really keeps your memory sharp.


Once you’ve chosen your wedding photographer they will usually ask to meet with you to run through some questions, and you may be wondering what it is they want to know. Here we take you through some of the bases they’ll cover, so you can be ready with the answers that best reflect what you want from your wedding photography.

The Family Dynamic

One of the first things that your wedding photographer will want to know from you is your family dynamic. This includes biological family and in-laws. The reason it is important to inform your photographer of your family dynamic is that most pictures taken will include family, and when there is a negative feeling between family members, the entire photograph can be ruined. So, to mitigate this issue, the photographer will be able to be more selective in who stands in a photo and who does not. Also, when mentioning family dynamic, explain which individuals you'd like in certain photos and any standard family photos that you'd like.

What is Your Style

One of the most important things a photographer will ask is what style of photography you have in mind for your wedding photos, and whether you think their portfolio is a good fit for you. You may have chosen the photographer on the basis of price or because they’re a friend or a friend, but it is important to them, and to you, that you actually take the time to look through their past work and make sure you’re happy with their style – because every photographers’ work will be different. Choose some of their photos that you really like the style of so they know along what lines you’re thinking, and if you come across a photo in a magazine, online or even an old family snap that you love, bring them along – the more reference you can provide the better.

Customary or Religious Considerations

The photographer will want to know about the ceremony side of your wedding and any customs or considerations they should be aware of. If they have experience in the type of ceremony you will be having, whether it’s Catholic, Hindu, Greek, Jewish etc., they may also be able to provide you with some insight into considerations that you may not have thought of. For example, many Catholic brides and grooms are not aware that some Catholic celebrants are not comfortable having a photographer circling the bride and groom or stepping onto the altar and causing distractions during the sacrament of marriage. Therefore they must first get permission from their celebrant before inviting a photographer into the ceremony. The more information you can give the photographer, the smoother your day will run – the last thing they want to do is step on any toes or make a faux-pas!

The Venue

In many cases, wedding photographers want to know what to expect when attending a venue. The venue is an extremely important element for photographers to take into consideration – it allows them to plan for lighting requirement as well as brainstorm some creative ideas based on surroundings.

Specifics of the Wedding Day

The photographer will understand the extent of careful planning going into your wedding day, and they’ll want to make sure they fit themselves in seamlessly with the itinerary you have in mind, rather than dictate it for you. To make things easier for the photographer and to allow him or her to do their job, one thing you should do is provide the itinerary and also let them know what specific moments you want to be photographed. This could include after the meal, during dancing, before the ceremony, during the ceremony, and so forth. Being clear about what you want is the best way to go about the process.

The Best Man or Bridesmaid

The next thing to cover is preparation for the photographs. While you can provide as much detail as possible about ‘who’s who’ in the family, the photographer won’t know you or your guests well enough to round up the right group or find Aunt Millie in the bathrooms. As well as this, during the course of taking the pictures someone might need something held, something moved, hair fixed or dress trains moved. While the photographer can direct, he or she cannot take charge of holding things while taking the photograph. So, one thing the photographer will want to know is if you have someone who can help you out during these instances – usually the best man or bridesmaid. It will make the photographer's job easier and it will create a more relaxed environment for better photographs.

About the Guest Blogger

Anna-Nicole Del Re is a professional photographer and the Marketing & Operations Manager at Viva Photography, a leading Wedding and Portrait photographer in Perth, Western Australia and Melbourne Victoria. Connect with Anna-Nicole on Google+


Tuesday, 23 January 2024

Wedding Favors - How to Choose

Some couples find choosing a wedding favor one of the most difficult tasks when planning their wedding. I'm going to share with you some tips in making this process easier... and maybe even a little enjoyable.

Note: all images from My Wedding Favors who have an amazing range of fabulous favors to choose from at

Choose something practical. Can your guests use the item after the wedding or will it become another dust collector on their shelf?

Choose a favor that represents you as a couple. You may like to choose something that is personal to you as a couple. Perhaps you met at a coffee shop, a set of short black coffee glasses would be perfect... and tick the box of something practical also!

Everyone loves an edible favor. Your guests will love a tasty treat - and im not talking sugar coated almonds either.

Does the item fit your theme? If you are having a rootin-tootin cowboy theme? Then choose a wedding favor that represents this.

Budget ( I bet your sick of hearing that word!). Yes you must consider your budget when choosing a wedding favor. Try to choose something that can be used by the couple, that way you are not buying a per person male / female gift - instead you are buying something they can share.

I love the range of wedding favors from - check them out for some inspiration!

The Wedding Gurus

Tuesday, 16 January 2024

Wedding Rituals and Traditions - A Fishy Tradition for the Groom (Korea)

 A Fishy Korean Ritual/Tradition

If you're looking for something out of the ordinary, then this one is for you!

In this Korean tradition the poor groom is subjected to some pretty interesting antics. Usually done in the spirit of providing him with increased strength for the wedding night, this ritual begins after the main ceremony. 

The Groom’s ‘friends’ (using the term loosely right now) will tie his ankles together with rope then take off his socks in order to beat the soles of his feet with a fish – A Yellow Corvina.

Pic From:
Odd? Yes a little, but it is all done in the spirit of good will and as a fun gesture of friendship, so who are we to judge?

We just love these strange and out there rituals/ideas, so if you know of any you would like us to use, please feel free to drop us a line in the comments section.

The Wedding Gurus

Tuesday, 2 January 2024

Wedding Rituals and Traditions - The Blackening of the Bride (Scotland)

Yes it is pretty much exactly what it sounds like – Blackening of the Bride. In this Scottish ritual/tradition the poor bride is subjected to being covered in some disgusting concoctions and substances all in the name of easing her worries. Luckily for the poor bride this takes place in the days leading up to the wedding and never on the day or even the day before.

The most common way of ‘blackening’ the bride is for her friends (debatable) to take her out into the streets and smother her in every awful substance they can find, usually including things like fish guts and molasses, spoiled milk and rotten eggs and occasionally topped off with flour, feathers or anything else that may help her to look ridiculous and smell terrible.

Believe it or not, it is thought that being subjected to this ultimate humiliation will mean that any problems or humiliations the couple may see in the future and within the marriage will seem so much less worrisome or and have little meaning in comparison.

Sadly that is not the end to the ordeal – Completely covered from head to toe in the foul mix and smelling worse than you can imagine, the poor thing is then paraded through the streets, on show for all to see. Her ‘friends’ who walk ahead of her bang pots and pans to ensure the attention of the crowd and then usually lead her to a local pub or club for a celebration of her coming marriage.

Although probably pretty awful and stinky, all in all this would probably be a pretty fun ritual/tradition (or a slightly less foul version of) to do with a group of girlfriends. The photos and the laughs would definitely last a lifetime.

The Wedding Gurus

Top Tips for Handling Wedding Stress

Planning a wedding is an exciting time for couples, but it can also bring a a huge amount of stress. With so many details to consider, perso...